Is My MetaMask Address Same for Different Networks?

Let’s test the theory of whether your MetaMask address is the same for different networks. Let’s see what exactly changes when you change the network and when does your address change exactly?

Before we can go and test it, you need to understand how MetaMask works.
MetaMask currently only supports EVM or Ethereum-compatible smart chains. So, generally, if you are able to add a network in MetaMask, it means that the network is Ethereum compatible.

It matters because most of the Ethereum-compatible networks are hard forks of Ethereum. In other words, they derive from almost the same fundamental principles. Therefore, most of these share the same address structure as that of Ethereum. And use the same address for an account as the one on Ethereum.

Hence, even if you switch the network in MetaMask, you’ll still see the same public address as that linked with the private key of that account.


Although your public address is the same on two different networks, it doesn’t mean that you can send tokens from one network to another. As there are some tokens that are available on two or more blockchain networks. One may think that you can send those from one chain to another.

Which is, of course, not the case. Because there are different contracts for different chains. Even if the token symbol and everything remain the same, the same token on different networks will get considered a different token. And you won’t be able to access your token unless you switch to the right network. And you must always bridge to send tokens from one chain to another.

Is my metamask address the same for different networks?

So, yes. Your address will be the same on most(not all) networks in MetaMask for a given account.
Same metamask address on different networks in MetaMask

So, when does the address change in MetaMask?

Whenever you add a new account in MetaMask, you will get a new public and private key pair. This means that your address will change whenever you create a new account or import one on MetaMask.

Generally, you would see an address in the format that starts with 0x and then 40 hexadecimals.
An address sample: 0x2Fa5c10543ca03324d9aeA7A937A8bd9b223b154

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