Forgot MetaMask Password? How to Reset?

Here are the simple steps to reset MetaMask password from the MetaMask browser extension. You need to have the secret recovery phrase of your account with you to be able to successfully change or reset the password of your MetaMask wallet. This is the same phrase you get at the time you create a MetaMask account. You can always see this phrase in settings>Security & Privacy>Reveal Secret Recovery Phrase> Enter Password & Copy the Phrase.
  1. Click on the profile button:
  2. Click on the MetaMask extension
  3. Click on the profile button:
  4. Click on the profile icon in MetaMask
  5. Click on the lock button to log out of the wallet.
  6. Lock the MetaMask extension
  7. You will find a “Forgot Password” option under the unlock button. Click on that.
  8. Press the forgot password button in MetaMask
  9. A “Reset wallet” window appears after that. It will ask you to enter the secret recovery phrase of your wallet. This is the secret phrase you get at the time of creating an account on MetaMask.
  10. Enter the phrase in the correct order. Then type in the new password you want to create. If you do not get any errors here, press the “Restore” button, and you will see your wallet screen.
  11. Enter the seed phrase and new password. Press restore after that
  12. It means that your password has been successfully reset. And you can now log into MetaMask with your new password.
  13. click on the MetaMask extension in your browser
  14. Congratulations! Your MetaMask password has been reset. Confirm if it works by logging out and logging back in with the new password.
  15. enter password in MetaMask to login
  16. If you encounter the “Invalid Secret Recovery Phrase” error, you need to verify each entry by pressing the “eye” symbol next to each box. Ensure that the order and spellings are correct, and the error will disappear.
  17. reveal secret recovery phrase words

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